
How to Use remoTree


Remote Connections

remoTree shows lists of available host servers on the Remote Files and Remote Terminal tab views. On the initial use, these lists will be blank. Use the "+" button at the upper right to add server information. The Display Name, User Name and Address are all required fields. The Private Key button will be discussed in the next section. Once those fields are entered, use the check button at the upper left to complete the host creation.

A tap or click on a host in the list will attempt to make a connection. It will prompt for a password if no authentication keys have been defined. Once connected, depending on the active tab, the file view or the terminal view will be active.

The menu button to the right of each host in the list can be used to edit or delete the host.

Key Authentication

When editing host information, the Add Private Key button can be used to set up key-based authentication. The first option, Create on server, will use the ssh-keygen command on the server to create the keys. It will prompt for a key passphrase - leave the field empty to skip the passphrase. It will then automatically add the public key to the "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" file on the server and load the private key into remoTree.

The second option, Load from file, will load an existing private key from the local file system. It will assume that the public key has or will be copied to the server manually.

File Management

Both the Local Files and Remote Files tab views support the following commands:

Remote Terminal

If connected to a remote server, the Remote Terminal tab view will show a basic text-based terminal window. This emulates a dumb terminal, so it does not support curses applications or other advanced terminal programs.


The "Settings" menu item allows for changing several default options. These settings are automatically stored so that remoTree will re-start with the settings last used.

There are settings for the default file sorting method and the visibility of hidden dot files. These only affect the conditions at startup - the controls on the views can be used to override these settings.

The remaining options control appearances. The view scale ratio can be set to make the content smaller or larger (useful for high-dpi displays). The window size and position will be restored from the previous session use if enabled. The final setting selects between light and dark color schemes.